The Social Issue
Our students, ages 14-21 have lived their lives in a complicated child welfare system and have experienced multiple home and school moves. Nearly 60% have spent time in institutional placements. Young people in the foster care and juvenile justice systems are more likely to drop out of school, experience homelessness, be unemployed or end up incarcerated. National outcomes for high school students in the child welfare system make it clear that we must transform our educational models to provide healing-centered supports that empower our young people to build the skills they need for the world.
Our Success
We believe that too many of our students have been removed from their homes and placed in institutional settings to address their educational and social and emotional challenges. C.B. Community Schools is a successful model for prevention and diversion from institutional placement. We provide our students with the resources and skills to be successful in their communities!
One student placed in juvenile or institutional care can cost between $100,000 – $200,000 per year.
Our school model, fully resourced, costs $42,500 per year per student.

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Office Hours
Monday through Friday:
9:00am - 5:00pm