Sponsor A Scholarship

At CBCS, every student receives a fully paid scholarship to attend. We cover all costs associated with engaging, educating and ensuring that our students are prepared for high school graduation and have a clear path forward toward independence.

By sponsoring a scholarship, you guarantee that our students in the foster care and juvenile justice systems will receive the high-quality education they deserve and all of the supports they need to be successful in the world!

How Sponsor a Scholarship Works:

  • You make an annual gift of $9,000 to cover one trimester of the annual cost of one CBCS student’s education.
  • CBCS sends you regular newsletters about all the amazing things happening at our school!
  • You are invited to visit CBCS for community meetings and special events.
  • Gifts to the Sponsor a Scholarship program are unrestricted gifts.
Summer Office Hours

6/17/2024 to 7/9/2024:
10:00am - 4:00pm

7/10/2024 to 8/16/2024:
Monday through Thursday: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 10:00am - 3:00pm